Feeling blah? Home improvement can cure the wintertime blues

Winter typically lasts 89 days. It can seem twice that long when the weather is really, really cold, you’ve been cooped up inside for months and the summer sun feels like a fond, yet distant memory.
Most of us get the winter blues every now and then – especially if you live in areas of the country that experience subzero temperatures and several feet of snow. Psychologists say that having something to look forward to or concentrate on – such as exercise, a hobby or consistent socializing – can help.
A home improvement project is a nice distraction from the blahs of a long, cold winter. Remodeling your home with the help of a contractor could lift your spirits, keep you busy, help you focus and make you happy when you get to enjoy the beautiful results.
You can do more remodeling in the winter than you might think. Visit Contractor Scan to find a reliable and licensed contractor who can complete your project this winter or any time of year.
Winter is the slow season for most contractors.
Spring is the busiest time of year for the folks who work in in the home improvement industry. That’s when most homeowners embrace the warmer weather as a sign to start spring remodeling along with spring cleaning. Out with the old, in with the new! Because of that, contractors book up quickly in the spring and they usually charge premium rates.
In the winter, though, contractors have more time on their hands. Since their workload is smaller, they are more likely to give you a lower bid than they would during busier times of the year. A smaller client roster also means the contractor can completely focus on your winter project without the distraction of juggling a lot of other jobs.
Keep in mind, some contractors take the season off to spend time with their families and make up for how overworked they are in the spring and summer. It’s best to reach out sooner rather than later.
Winter is a great time to start an addition.
Believe it or not, cold weather in January and February provide terrific conditions for beginning a home addition. Frozen ground and dry air make it easier to dig foundations and pour concrete floors. That early work is more difficult in the spring and summer, when muddy ground makes it tougher to dig. Humid weather slows down the time it takes for concrete to cure.
Remember, time is money. Starting an addition in the winter makes it less likely that the project is slowed due to April showers and other rainy springtime days. The sooner you start, the sooner the addition is finished.
Winter is the best time to start planning or building your new deck.
Meet with a deck designer now to start going over your ideas so the two of you can come up with a plan that fits your vision and budget. Like other contractors, deck builders have flexible schedules during the winter months. That means they may be willing to bundle up and get started on your deck now instead of waiting for the spring thaw.
And, as in a home addition, it’s better to dig in the winter. The deck wood will stabilize more quickly in dry air.
If you start on your deck now, it will be done in plenty of time to enjoy Memorial Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day – not to mention breezy spring and summer weekends.
Kitchen and bathroom remodels are terrific winter home improvement projects.
Kitchen and bathroom renovations typically take months, but doing either during the winter can save you time and money. Materials and contractors are more readily available, since homeowners typically remodel both rooms in the summer. The contractor summer waitlist often stretches well through September.
Updating flooring, installing new tile, replacing appliances and bathtubs and painting are all tasks that can be completed in the off-season months of January and February. The work could get done much faster, which means your home will be put back together sooner than it would be if your contractor was busy with multiple jobs.
The Bottom Line
We know it’s still getting dark at 4:30 p.m. We get that you’re tired of scraping ice from your car and losing feeling in all of your extremities. But the end is in sight.
A home improvement project can help you get through a long winter. Hang in there.
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